Measuring server uptime can be done in theory, over perhaps a period of 1 week, by every few seconds trying to load the site from various parts of the world. There are services that help you to do this but it can also be arranged by signing up with a few different hosts and writing a script for it. This is often a good idea, because all the PageSpeed work that people normally focus on is usually nothing compared to server speed and failure issues, which the Google PageSpeed tool rightly flags as a top priority when it’s detected as an issue.
Server location affects loading speed – CDNs attempt to solve this
Factors such as when the site is up and how fast is it in seconds, would be different according to different locations around the world. Generally, a UK-based host is faster for UK and European customers than a US host is. Content delivery networks (CDNs) attempt to solve this, but they can go offline themselves and their quality varies between regions.
CDNs also dilute asset attribution, for instance a picture coming from is less useful for the authority building of even though may own the picture if it is using to serve pictures and not masking the domain properly.