FAQ: What makes a great Link Negotiator (eg for Blogger Outreach)?

Strong sales skill – attitude is key!

Professional, courteous and customer-focused communication with a positive, helpful, can-do attitude is a must-have when working withing blogger outreach as you will be negotiating on behalf of your company with prospects, as well as subsequently managing these strategic relationships.

Attitude is the key element to effective sales skill, which is the cornerstone of effective outreach communication, as professionals within the industry have to balance getting a good result for their company, such as an inbound link, with ensuring their prospect’s needs are also met and maintaining the relationship going forward. Working cohesively as part of a wider team of researchers, writers, designers and campaign managers will also require these strong communication skills.

Further desirable qualities, for Blogger Outreach in general

Research skills

Blogger outreach & link negotiation involves in-depth research covering your target industry, opportunities within your market, your intended audience, competitor activity and finding out about authoritative sources within your industry.

Strong familiarity with spam signals, link profile analysis, and user experience issues

A solid understanding of spam signals, link profile analysis, and user experience (UX) issues is needed within Blogger Outreach to ensure links are each published in a user-friendly, natural looking manner which avoids giving off spam signals. Awareness of these signals is also important ensuring links are built in a natural and varied manner to blend in seamlessly with an entirely organic backlink profile, avoiding skewing it to the extent that Google applies spam penalties for an unnatural backlink profile.

Organisational skills

Organisational skills are vitally important in Blogger Outreach given that the profession involves complex tasks such as managing prospects, maintaining numerous relationships within relevant niches and compiling detailed CRM logs.